Millionaire Evans Anyona: Form four dropout who founded Transline Classic, ENA Coach shuttles

Millionaire Evans Anyona: Form four dropout who founded Transline Classic, ENA Coach shuttles Transline was established in 2005, while ENA was launched in 2008. ENA is an abbreviation for Evans Nyagaka Anyona . Evans Anyona,Founder Ena Coach and Transline Classic Evans Anyona,Founder Ena Coach and Transline Classic.PHOTO/ENA Evans Anyona is a seasoned Kisii Businessman who has dominated the transportation industry in Kenya. He has achieved this through years of experience, significant financial resources, and investments worth millions. Early Life and Education Evans Anyona Nyagaka was born in 1968 in a poverty-stricken home in Riabigutu village, Kisii County, Kenya. Anyona completed his O-levels at Masimba Secondary School, but his education ended there. The 1992 Famine Anyona’s breakthrough came in 1992 when a severe drought hit Kenya. He saw this as an opportunity to earn profits by buying maize at a low price and selling it at a higher price. He made a killing, and this ...